Tuesday, July 6, 2010


James was a little jealous of yesterday's early morning fishing trip, so he and Jarrett woke up early to take a trip of their own. James caught his first fish, too! His was a catfish that was big enough to keep. This time, Jarrett brought the camera, here are the proud fishermen.

We packed up and left for Salt Lake City. The drive was nice, lots of flat land with just a few hills. It was hot though, so we did overheat quite a bit.

We stopped about two hours outside of Salt Lake City. The drive to Salt Lake was nine hours and driving the RV is hard. We had also promised James that we would have his catfish for dinner and didn't want to get in to town too late to do that. So we stopped in West Wendover, NV at a KOA. The KOA had the first decent wireless service this entire trip, hence the flurry of posts! It's much easier to post from the computer than from the phone.

We took a quick dip in the KOA pool and then started a fire. We kept the kids up late to watch the stars.

The fish was wonderful, Jarrrett is a great cook. Since we had corn on the cob, we made corn cob dolls.

The kids love these, especially Riley. She made her doll an apron and she and James pretended they had been turned into kids that live in the time of Little House on the Prairie.

Tomorrow it's off to Salt Lake, we want to make it in time to catch a show at the Planetarium.


  1. Tell James his fish is amazing... and congratulations at catching his first one. Grandpa was very impressed!

  2. Your blog is terrific! i love all of the pictures!
    Actually, Joe has been to Wendover ~ he won a trip to the casino there from the local radio station!

  3. I'm so glad you're enjoying it. I'm having fun documenting the trip. There are a lot of casinos in Wendover, we didn't make it into any of them but I saw a ton from the highway.

    I told James, he wants Grandpa to take him fishing.

  4. How did it taste?

    When we tripped through Utah as kids my Step-mom read up this set of books about a Mormon family living there in the 1800's I think. I can't think of the name of the books, there was a mom, dad and 2 brothers...they were pretty good read alouds.

  5. It's the Great Brain books and apparently they were Catholic in the books, I always had the impression otherwise, but maybe that was because we were on our way to Salt lake and there were some Mormons in the books!

  6. The fish was wonderful. All we had for breading was Shake and Bake for chicken but it turned out SO good.

    I'll have to check out those books. With all of the Molly books and the Little House book, James could use some books with boys in them!
