Monday, June 28, 2010

Bible School Dropout

My husband's eldest sister is the wife of a Nazarene preacher. Every year, she does an amazing vacation bible school, last year she had 200 kids! She works on it all year long.

So, even though we don't belong to the Church of the Nazarene, we were really excited that it happened to be the week that we were here. My in laws signed all of our kids up- not mentioning to me that the minimum age is four years old.

My youngest, for anyone who hasn't met him, is 3 1/2. He's very mature for his age... but he's also very small for his age, he's just started wearing his brother's 2T hand-me-downs. He's yet to hit 30 lbs! As I said, though, he acts much older than he looks.

His instructor was his 17 year old cousin, David, who is amazing with kids, so I wasn't too worried about him. Plus he had his 3 1/2 year old cousin in his group- apparently, we're a family of rule-breakers, who cares about age cutoffs!

The first day he did really well. He participated and sat on his cousin's lap for most of the activities. When I picked him up, though, he told me that bible school is fun but he's never going back. I'm stubborn, so I brought him back Tuesday. He had a harder time with me leaving, so I let them know to call if they needed me.

They didn't call, but when I got there to pick the kids up, I ended up talking to one of the teachers. She asked who my kids were and when I told her she said, "I know Riley and James... Is yours the tiny Kelly who cries all the time?"

Um, yeah, probably.

Oops, turns out day two didn't go so well, he cried (silently, according to the teachers) until they switched him to the group with Riley and James. Then he broke all of James' crafts, intentionally, and refused to participate. I guess he's stubborn too!

So he dropped out... I've had that 'Beauty School Dropout' song from Grease stuck in my head all day!


  1. Oh... poor Kelly. A drop-out at 3 1/2. He does have strong opinions though, doesn't he? I LOVE the picture of his sad face... He is so cute, even when he's falling apart over VBS!

  2. He is opinionated! He was so mad that I took this picture. I got four pictures of the back of his head before I managed to get this one. The next day his little cousin dropped out, I think Kelly told him to do it!

  3. Oh my goodness! What a corker! Love the pic!
