Monday, March 4, 2013

Not Wandering Yet

We haven't traveled much lately. Emmy arrived in November of 2011 and doesn't like the RV so we haven't done any long trips. I've decided to update this more often with our day to day adventures instead. I'm doing it partially for my own benefit, I love being able to look back on everything. I also want to keep it updated for my little sister who is in the Peace Corps in Africa, so she can see what we're doing.

Here's a picture of a bit of wandering we've done lately, we took a trip to Las Vegas and then San Diego. Here are the kids again on the Lego donkey at Legoland.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I would definitely have voted you "most creative"... even when it's not Dr Suess's birthday!I love the pictures, your day sounds like so much fun. :)
