Friday, July 8, 2011


We pulled into Concordia, KS around lunchtime and met up with Jarrett's family. This is the little town where his mom grew up. a lot of his family is still here. The kids played for a little while on the playground and then came back for a nap, we wanted to make sure that they could stay up late for the fireworks.

Every year, Jarrett's family does a softball game as a fundraiser for the fireworks in honor of Jarrett's grandpa. The show is always on the third of July in a local park. The family sets off tons of fireworks before we go to the show. Riley and James LOVED setting off the fireworks. Kelly was pretty nervous about it but had fun watching.

One of the rockets tipped over accidentally and grazed Riley's leg. We were so thankful it wasn't worse, she ended up with just a tiny scratch.

The show was wonderful. You're able to sit so close to where they set them off that the fireworks are directly overhead.

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