Before Jarrett bought the new map, the kids and I were tracking our progress on this little map that we bought from scholostic last year.
Once I showed the the kids this map, James was SO excited about the Grand Canyon. When will we be there? Can we go faster? I can't wait.
As we got closer though, he got a little nervous. Do I have to go? Is it dangerous? I did my best to reassure him that it would be okay.
As we got closer still, the questions got a little weirder. What if I get squished? What if it smashes me? I was getting pretty confused until the next question. What if the giant buffalo steps on me?
What giant buffalo?!
Aha! Totally makes sense. We had a long talk about maps and symbols and he feels much better now!
Poor James! All those miles of driving towards a giant, possibly child-eating buffalo! I'm glad he's feeling better about things now. :)