Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Day of Seuss

Friday, March 1st was Dr. Seuss' birthday so we had a party. The day started off with green eggs, we skipped the ham. Kelly had his scrambled with cheese.

The other kids preferred 'eggs in a frame' style.

I had stayed up late the night before to decorate the classroom, this was the first thing that they noticed, a new fish!

The new fish had a message for the kids- sorry it's blurry, fish are really hard to photograph! The kids named him Seuss but I'm fairly sure they've changed the name to Pizza, not sure why.

 The kids were excited to see that Indy the guinea pig also had a message for them...

The first thing that we did was attempt to stack apples, from Ten Apples Up On Top.

We started with 10 but someone really likes apples, so we only had 9 for stacking. Each of the kids came up with a Seuss-like costume. Emmy was super excited to get to wear two shirts at once. I'm not sure why it was such a thrill but she was so proud!

Emmy tried to stack them on her head but didn't have much success so she found a better method, she stuffed them into her shirt!

She was able to get 5 apples but it didn't look very comfortable!

We did some 'real' school and then took a break for lunch. The kids watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas while I made a Lorax quesadilla, Horton's eggs and fish (One Fish, Two Fish).

I made Seuss punch from a recipe I found online, it's Jello jigglers in Sprite. All of the big kids dumped the Sprite out and ate the Jello.

Emmy dipped her egg in the Sprite and grossed out all of her siblings!

For dessert we had Dr. Seuss hats, made from Oreos, frosting and Lifesaver Gummies, they were really good!

Emmy treated us to some after-lunch entertainment.

We headed back down to the classroom and did some school with Dr. Seuss stuff mixed it. Riley is taking her TCAPs soon (Colorado standardized tests) so I put together a Dr. Seuss themed writing prompt in TCAP format.

Emmy changed into jammies and headed to her favorite spot in the classroom.

James is learning about adjectives so he made a Grinch and wrote the adjectives that describe him.

Once we had finished all of our school, we voted on our costumes.

Riley won for Most Colorful...

James won Funniest...

Kelly was Craziest...

Emily took the prize for Cutest! No big surprise there...

I was awarded Most Creative...

We finished the day with 'Roast Beast' and potatoes, of course! We were going to watch the Lorax before bed but Jarrett hates that movie so we watched an episode of the Avengers instead. The kids had so much fun and actually got more school done than they normally do, getting to do fun things in between lessons made them do the lessons much quicker!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Not Wandering Yet

We haven't traveled much lately. Emmy arrived in November of 2011 and doesn't like the RV so we haven't done any long trips. I've decided to update this more often with our day to day adventures instead. I'm doing it partially for my own benefit, I love being able to look back on everything. I also want to keep it updated for my little sister who is in the Peace Corps in Africa, so she can see what we're doing.

Here's a picture of a bit of wandering we've done lately, we took a trip to Las Vegas and then San Diego. Here are the kids again on the Lego donkey at Legoland.